JumpModel has set plays that allow us to repeat success consistently We’ve value-hacked these plays to deliver value quickly.
IFS is one of the most powerful ERP, EAM and Service Management platforms on the market. Recognizing this position, JumpModel is committed to helping your business optimize the utilization of IFS. Don’t just operate in IFS, thrive with it.
You spend too much money on Workday to merely “support” or “maintain” it. You need a strategy to increase its value over time. For a set monthly fee, look no further.
Your business and technology both need to be looking towards the same North Star. Without this, much will be wasted on failed projects. The compass is a set play designed for entire businesses, business units and also specific strategies such as digital monetization.
Using the Design Thinking Model, we take you through a solution design journey that will help truly define your problem and gain consensus from everyone involved on a solution. The result is a design that your users will celebrate.
Get a minimum viable product as quickly as possible with a lean powerhouse team. Afterwards take the reins into your hands. The primary objective of our build service is to empower our customers to receive increased value from a solution over the long term.
Adoption is not linear or binary. It’s an art. Don’t invest in technology and then leave it out to dry. Squeeze out the value through a systematic process. Gone are the days of “support” or “maintenance” of software. Your solution will need to change with your business. Don’t incur cost when change isn’t needed but keep your ability to change there when you need it.
Our business was run using manual processes. In order to scale and meet our business objectives, we needed to automate these processes quickly. We partnered with JumpModel who quickly helped us develop a technical strategy and systems architecture. The project plan included a Solution Design and MVP phase using 8 highly skilled specialist-experts and an Evolve phase which included transitioning to internal resources. This gave us the flexibility to ramp up or down depending on the capability required. We wouldn’t have been able to afford a team with this much strategic knowledge and technical experience through traditional means. The model worked well for us.- Ryan Watt, Chief Executive Officer, Climb